Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Patric & Chanel

Oh happy days!

Arné en Marilé

Arné en Marilé het op Orange Farm, naby die pragtige Clarens getrou. Pratgi "whimsical" troue, kon sommer die Here se teenwoordigheid aanvoel :)

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

High Noon Shoot out

new experience for Jaco and Myself, we were invited out by our own wedding photographer (Christiaan David) to spend the day with them as "models"..

Jaco and Mienke... schmodel schmodel :)

Here are some of the images i've found on the website after the session, I sure enjoyed it :)

(unfortunatly the photographer is unknown _ one of the 30 photographers attending the day.)

Here goes:

Arné en Marilé sneak peak

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Cornel en Elzanne

Cornel en Elzanne, is op 'n pragtige laat somers dag getroud. Wat 'n blessed dag.
Stylvolle troue vol liefde.

Mag julle 'n lang en gelukkig huwelik saam he!